Friday, June 1, 2012

Back In The Saddle

I'm such a proud mama. After three weeks of medicine and rest for my girl since discovering her arthritis, Jade finally started to look like she was feeling pretty dang good. I've been straining my eyes to see if she is off, just even slightly. With new comfy shoes, an injection, and some horsie tylenol, she's feeling and looking great. 

So, I decided to start her back up to her normal routine, slowly, per the veterinarian's suggestion. I lunged her for a couple days, just barely making her sweat.

And then, I just decided to get on her a couple days ago. 

We walked. We trotted. We loped. We pretended like no time had passed since the last time I rode her. 

No buck. No sass. Just lots of good moments. She's softer than when I left her. She's stopping real fast like a sink when it's clogged.

This is big stuff, folks. One year ago, I got bucked off this gal within seconds of getting on her. We've come a long ways, with ups and downs. My little filly has turned into a horse. This about right considering she just turned 5 years old at the end of May. 

She may have arthritis in her foot, but with her heart, anything is possible friends! We will see what she decides to do. In the meantime, we be ridin'.

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