Happy New Year friends, family, and strangers! Hope y'all filled up on yer black eyed peas and rang in 2012 with some special people.
I'm gonna cut to the chase as Texas and I are drivin back to CA right now and my driving shift is here in about 30 miles. Here are my New Years Resolutions/Goals:
1) Incorporate God into my life a little more. Ive been through a lot emotionally this last year, and I think I could use Him to lean on. Actually, this is a goal for both Texas and I.
2) Keep the 25 lbs I lost off.. And tone up even more! It's hard to belIeve I had that much weight to lose. I definitely feel sexier, happier, and healthier. I didn't get wheezy once during my hunting trek in the Canyon this last week. I think part of that is due to my eating and exercising habits during the last 7 months.
3) With a wedding on the horizon, I'm really wanting to avoid being a Bridezilla. This day and age, so many people lose sight of why they're getting married and instead try to throw as much money around as possible. Part of me just wants to zip over to Colorado right now, find a field to get married in, and then call it good. But, I do really want some family and friends present, so I guess we'll wait until the summer :)
4) Continue to stand up for myself. I'm a reserved person for the most part, and I've gone a long time dealing with people talking over me, or trying to tell me what I think is not right. Well dangit, I'm a 24 year old woman who's been living on her own and making her own decisions for quite awhile now. I sure as heck don't need 'supportive' people in my life telling me what to do and what not tO do.. If that means I burn some bridges, well, at least that's proof that I've stood up for something in my life. And what better person to stand up for than yourself?
5) Start competing with Jade at barrel races. Since the new year, she's officially 5 years old and growing up to be an awesome horse. And, if she doesn't end up liking the barrels, at least I'll have a broke horse. She's already come a long ways in the 7 months Ive had her. Picking up her left leAd, starting to slide some 11's in the ground, giving her face and collecting really pretty, and bending both ways, plus getting to those flying lead changes. Not bad for a filly that bucked me off the first time I brought her home!
6)Continue with my blog.. Duh! It brings me such happiness to share me world with ones near and far.
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