Monday, January 30, 2012

Drainage Problems

What in tarnation is going on in this picture?! One might ask.

Well, we seem to be having some drainage issues with our manure pond. Yup, that's manure those fellas and my mom are standing so closely near. Or dangling over. 


  1. Wow, that sure is one big pond of manure! Just be careful not to get too close. Manure ponds or slurry ponds may raise environmental concerns particularly to health. When rainy season comes, clogged manure drainage can cause an overflow. This would lead to contamination, as manure water will be mixed with other water reserves. To be sure, install a durable water system around the pond. Check the drainage and the water system periodically to avoid manure spills. Take care not to repair or clean equipment in areas near or sloping toward water bodies.

    [Sharon Strock]

  2. Drainage problems – that's one of the most annoying thing ever! It mostly occurred during rainy season. Only highly-trained professionals can deal with it, so I just leave it to them to do what they ought to do.

    Darryl Iorio
