Friday, July 8, 2011

I Like It In The Dirt

I am pretty dang excited about something that's been in the works for about 6 weeks.

Texas has been working his hiney off to get it done.

What in the heck is it?

A bunch of dirt?!

Why yes, it's a huge landmine of dirt.

Nice, soft, deeper than 1 inch dirt.

This is my new ARENA!!!!

I have always wished that I had a bigger and safer space to exercise my horses. Nevermind that I never imagined I'd ever be able to practice a full size barrel pattern in my own backyard. The arena that my Grandpa built for me about 10 years ago when we built some new cow corrals was plenty big enough to condition my high school rodeo horse that never needed to practice barrels. It worked perfect back in high school, but the ground has been getting worse over time. It's essentially like riding a horse on concrete now.

Besides the old arena being like concrete, I have my baby girl, Jade, who I need to train on the barrels, and I am dying in the tiny space by my mom's. It's honestly just not big enough for my long legged 15.3 hand 4 year old who is likely going to get bigger. It takes her about two seconds to lope from one side to the other. Not enough space!

The idea of putting a new arena by house came from my Mom. I had never though about putting it in the pasture by our house, but as soon as I heard the suggestion, I could actually see the arena.

This is what it looked like at the end of Day 1 after Texas mowed the area:

It looks a lot different now.

Texas has ripped the ground.

He has gotten rid of the grass clumps.

We've (mostly he's) picked rocks out of the arena.

He's dug down deep to work the dirt.

He's dragged it to make it level.

Tonight, I hope to make the first ride in it.

My dream has come true!

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