Jade is coming along. I took her to a race again last night to get her time, and she gets faster and smoother every time.
I was inspired to have a short video journey of Jade and her barrel racing. I'm not going to go into great lengths here, but here are a few videos of our journey.
This first one is the day I tried her out, almost a year ago, when she was just turning 4 years old. She could barely pick up her left lead, and the girl who had her was letting her drop her shoulder into the barrels which made for a little bit of a rough turn.
This next video was taken a little over a month ago. It was the first time I took Jade somewhere to lope through the barrels away from home. Considering all the distractions, she didn't do half bad.
Finally, this is a video from last night. This is Jade's 4th outing loping through the barrels away from home. We have lots of improvements to make in our turns and approach, plus I let her go at her own pace - I didn't even push her.
This last one she clocked a 20.4 second run. Nothing special compared to the typical 17 seconds the top girls run at rodeos. Considering I am just letting her go at her own pace, and still trying to get her turns super smooth, I am happy.
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