Yesterday while trying to find the settings on my newish phone to figure out how to save my pictures to the memory card and not the phone I found some fun settings to play around with. I started taking pictures with the Sepia setting, and I loved it so much I decided to document my entire day.
The result? A billion pictures. Enjoy.
7 a.m. Stoney. Working. Is he tired? Or is he practicing his scary face for Halloween?
A familiar view for me. Me sitting behind "Manuel" on the 4-Wheeler. His name really isn't Manuel. It's an inside joke between "Manuel" and I, or as he likes to call me, "Maria".
Sorting through some pregnant ladies. Think she looks suspicious?
Stoney at work. What a ladies man.
Hola Manuel! One of the ladies at the auction yard yesterday mentioned how it must be so fun to work with him because he's always happy. Well, yes, it is quite fun!
Typical - the men just standing around doing nothing.
Pushing some pregnant cows out to pasture. I like the black and white one.
Hurry Stoney!!
Snack break - checking on my ponies. Romeo's poor eye... he can barely open it anymore. :(
Snack break (continued) - tennis ball with Stones.
Texas needs to take these horseshoes and weld me up somethin' purdy.
Taking ol' blue to the auction yard!
Some lucky girls that get to go to the sale.
She doesn't look to happy to go to the auction. I had nightmares last night about her chasing me around the corral.
Managers meeting. The guy on the far right had some good insight.
On the way to the auction in ol' blue.
"Mom, why can't we live over there in that really nice big barn?"
"Just kidding, I love our ranch."
Best friends.
Goosie. :)
Peppy's new attempt at motherhood - I call it "Dos Negro". D.N. for short. We discovered it a couple nights ago. Praying it has a better future than Peppy's last kitten, Uno.
Texas is looking sassy.
My two boys.
Lunging Jade for the last time. I'll be hopping on her today for the first time in a week which hopefully is less eventful than when I brought her home. :)
Cowboy riding off into the sunset.
Can you see me?
Doctoring Jade's leg. I'm dizzy.
The boys playing. A.K.A. Stoney chasing after Hote like a little chihuahua and biting his legs.
I'm dizzy again.
Why do I love her so much??
Why do I love him so much??
Oh wait, I know why. :)
And that folks, is a day in the life of a Sepia Cowgirl.