Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What I've Been Dang Doin'

I've been a touch busy lately. Texas and I have been bustin' our bums the last week, sometimes putting in 8 hours of shoveling dirt in one day....

... to turn our overgrown jungle of a house...

...into a little less of an eyesore.

Pictures coming soon of a new and improved yard!!! 

My New Job

My new job as of lately...

Professional Weed Whacking Machine.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Would You Believe?

Would you believe...

... that these pictures were taken on the same day, only 3 hours apart?

Looks like two different rodeos to me. This last shot is 8 men trying to find the measured out stakes for the barrel racing at our local rodeo. The arena was about 18 inches deep in mud and well, crap. Needless to say, it took awhile for 8 men to find three stakes.


Ya know what they say.

Curiosity killed the cat.

Well, not yet. 


I've been trying to soak up the sun as much as I can these days - in hopes of not having a farmers tan for my wedding!

When I can, I like to lay out (thoroughly layered in SPF, mind you, I'm still fair skinned) to even out my ever growing farmer's tan.

 Don't tell anyone, but I think Stoney enjoys his tanning sessions, too. :)



Texas and I. Riding on the back of the 4-wheeler, driven by Manuel, after pushing 400 rambunctious Springers out to pasture.

Home Away From Home

Moved the ponies into the partial pasture by our house last night. Their home pasture needs a rest.

I sure do love having my babies right out the window. :)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Ridin' Dirty

This weekend is the prestigious Oakdale Rodeo. Our hometown rodeo that is notorious for being either BEAUTIFUL or POURING DOWN RAIN. Guess which is happening this weekend?

This weekend is also home to a huge annual spring barrel race, Youth Championship, and Futurity through the local barrel racing organization. Texas and I took our ponies over to the arena the other night to ride the horses around. We had no idea what was in store for us as we pulled up.

Needless to say, there was a bit of wet ground. 

Lots and lots of mud.

Jader's first time (to my knowledge) riding in knee/ankle deep mud. It was a good character building experience for her, not to mention a dang good workout.

I'm feeling for all those ladies entered up in the rodeo and the barrel race this weekend. I contemplated entering Jade in the Futurity as it's my only chance to run her locally in a Futurity as she is only eligible this year. I really feel like she's been coming on strong the last few weeks and really getting the hang of things (or maybe it's me that's getting the hang of things and she's saying "FINALLY DUDE"). But, I think it's God's way of telling me to give her some more time to come into her own. I don't want to run in the mud this weekend, especially on my girl who is just getting used to the barrel racing gig.

So, stay tuned folks, I am hoping to have Jade running in barrel races by May as there are some good races going on. But for this weekend, I will be the spectator, thanking the high heavens that's not me out there skating around the arena on my beloved.

A Wednesday Evening Drive

Driving home from riding our horses in a mud hole arena.

Been getting lots and LOTS of rain this week.

Crazy to think we were having one of the driest winters on record.

Let's just say, we ain't hurtin' for water anymore.

A Little Mud

Our rain dance must have worked. It must have been one heck of a show... we have been DUMPED on the last two or three days. 

Yesterday, Manny and I had to move some cows around in the pastures, so we opted to take his horse out during the lull in the rain.

As we were getting ready to move the Holsteins around, we check out on the pasture they were being moved in to. When we were ready to turn around and go get the ladies, Manny misjudged a puddle... was actually more of a sinkhole. Let me tell ya, it's sure fun being a passenger on the back of that thing with mud flying up from all directions.

Next time, I think we will find another spot to turn around.

Fun Killer

Hote and Stoney have their routine over at my Momma's house. They wrestle, play Frisbee, and then have at it with a little Tug-o-War. 

Well, obviously, Tug-o-War ceased to exist this day. Hote decided since he didn't want to play, then no doggie could play.

My Little Helper

This last Tuesday, we had our bi-monthly vet check to find out which cows were pregnant.

Little Dos decided he needed to assist me with the cows. Since he's 6 months old now. Pretty big deal.

Kiss It

My nose. Kiss it.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Mama's Boy

6 months old...

This fella is still a Momma's boy.

Garden Update

I ain't beatin' around the bush today! ;)

Here's an update on my bathtub flower and TOMATO garden! Texas and I picked up some tomatoes while grocery shopping this weekend. I am hoping that since I spent a whole summer internship tending to tomatoes, I can attempt to keep these babies alive.

Easter Breakfast

I made Texas (and myself) a special Easter breakfast on Sunday after he got done working in the morning. 

I tell ya, nothing goes over better with a sweaty, tired, manly man....

... than pink bunny shaped pancakes!!!

Ahh, yes. Glorious pink bunny pancakes for Easter. Just what my Texan ordered!

Hope yall had a wonderful Easter!


Obligatory Jade post.

Carry on.


Mama got new outdoor furniture a few weeks ago, and we have all been enjoying it in, especially with our hint of spring weather.

Dosie is a big fan, too.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Many Faces of Jade: Post 1

It's true. I have a problem.

Afternoon Project

Texas and I have been meaning to spruce up the yard around our house for quite some time. We have just lacked the motivation and funds.

My momma bought a few too many Marigolds for her house, so she offered them up to me. Well, I guess I will give the flower business one more shot down at our house - ya can't go wrong with free flowers!

Of course, no ranch backyard is complete without an old bathtub filled with flowers (and hopefully soon, some tomatoes and herbs).

I love sprucing up the house and gardening. I just really hope these babies don't get destroyed by our gopher population!