Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012

A New Life

Had a surprise delivery a few mornings ago... continue scrolling if you would like to enjoy a picture play by play!!



Had a "fun" little adventure with my Black Beast on Tuesday. Manny and I had just dropped cows off at the local auction yard, and I hopped out of the truck to use the restroom when I noticed smoke. At first, I thought the auction yard was cooking something for lunch which I thought, "Wow guys, it's only like 7:30 a.m., and you're already cooking lunch? Industrious."

Upon further inspection, I realized that smoke was coming from underneath my truck. Hoping to evade catching the whole dang place on fire, I shut the engine off, used the restroom, and met up with Manny outside to assess the situation. We decided to turn the truck on again to see if maybe it was a figment of my imagination. 


It just ended up smoking even more, and it concerned me greatly that it was coming from the spare diesel tank. 

After some calls, my Momma and Texas came to our rescue. Meaning, Texas came to pick Manny and I up to take us back to the ranch, while my Momma waited for a long while for a tow truck to come pick up my baby.

Of course, when the Mechanic turned the truck on at the shop, it didn't smoke at all. Isn't that how it always works? When something is wrong with your vehicle, it always runs perfect when you are paying for it to be in the shop. Dang Fords.

All they could find and fix was indeed a leak in the line for the spare fuel tank. Cross your fingers for me that I won't be smokin' on the road next week!


Dos and Stoney.

I tried getting a picture of them that wasn't blurry, but they were play fighting the whole time and moving around. Such sweet little friends.

Sleeping Beauty

Someone was happy to be out of the rain and cold while we were going through cows the other day...


Thursday, March 22, 2012


Just your typical Saturday morning wake up call...

Loading up trucks in the early hours to send mama cows off to Mexico. Have a Corona for me?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Not A Fan

Poor Stoney... we got a lot of rain (yay!!) this last weekend and last week... and the boys were still expected to "load up" and lay down in the back of the truck bed to get around the ranch. 

This was Stoney's pitiful idea of laying down.. I watched him hold this position for several minutes while driving.



Undercover pup.

The Beginning and the End

This picture is funny because you can only see the beginning and the end of my poor ol' man Alfalfa.

It seriously looks like he had to be cut in two for this picture!

Bone Hog

Our dogs are somewhat, Bone Hogs. When we give them bones to chew on, they always seem to think the other bone is better. This leads to one or both of them stealing the other's bone, over and over again. In the world of a Bone Hog, there is no room to chance losing one's bone over a little shut-eye. 

Much to another Bone Hog's dismay...


Friday, March 16, 2012

This Is

This is...

... What I look like after a day of working 9 hours with no lunch in muggy weather, and waking up early the next day to work again in the rain.



Lookin' at me.

Lookin' good.

Will You?

Will you?

Scratch behind my ear?


Jumping Prospect

Miss Jaders wants to be a Jumping horse.

Cutting Weeds

Model Pose

A Co-Worker Picture

Yesterday Morning

Yesterday morning.

It was a beauty!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How Many?

How many dairy farmers and vets does it take to remove a cow's ear tag??

We have determined: 4.


Ponying the Ponies.


Mooooo-ving cows from corrals to the pasture.

Git 'em Stones!!

Jumping Cows

Texas and I saw a new brew at our staple grocery store, Trader Joe's, last time we were in there.

It was called Jumping Cow Ale.

I think we could safely start making a home-brew and call it Jumping Cow.

Happy Cows

Another shot of the happy girls back out in pasture. 

They took an invigorating lap around the pasture to check out their surroundings and of course, frolic in the lushish (not luscious, but lush-ish) grass. 

The Calm Before The Storm

Working yesterday morning during the vet check and enjoying the beautiful sunrise.

The calm before the storm! Love it. Love the calm, love the storm.

Girls Day At The Spa

The ladies at the ranch took advantage of the rainy day today, and they all headed out to the spa.

Looks like mud mask facial was a popular pick by most.