Monday, November 28, 2011

Ma, I Just Don't Wanna


I just don't wanna do anything right now.

Please, continue on your way. Don't put that halter around my face. Don't make me work today.

Ma, I just don't wanna do anything... please.

All I Want For Christmas

All I want for Christmas is a pony.

Oh scratch that - I have one!!

Christmas Preview

Goose is loving her new Christmas outfit.

I think Hote finds it rather adorable too.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Cute Much?


Today marks the 21st annual birthday fiesta of someone near and dear to me.

This someone is very beautiful and classy as you can tell from the picture below.

I've so excited to get over to the Smart Kids school tonight to help this hombre celebrate!!

Redneck Uniform

For the past month now, I have been spending a lot of my time on the tractor spreading manure.

It's not the classiest of jobs.

But, I do enjoy being out in the great outdoors, sitting on a tractor, taking in the beautiful sights of our ranch and the surrounding foothills.

A lot of afternoons, it's been getting chilly around 3:30 to 4:00, so I make sure to layer it up.

This redneck outfit was thrown together last minute as I was racing to put on clothes to make it outside after lunch.

Ahh, stripes and plaid. One pigtail braid done. Fly swatter in hand. Welcome to my life!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Little kitten is growing.

Keep your fingers crossed for little Dos...

Cowboy Coffee


No big deal.

Load Up

Stoney knows how to "load up"...

into truck beds...

onto hay bales...

on large mountains of almonds....

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Stubborn Calves

This morning we worked the beef cows.

It was a little bit foggy.

And there were two calves that were a little bit stubborn....


Texas and I....

on horseback...

playing with the beef cows...

We got 'em surrounded.

Play Dead

Workin' Overtime

Been putting in some serious hours on the tractor lately.

Been working 'til the sun goes down.

Been working 'til the cows come home.

Been working 'til Texas drags me off the tractor.

Been working 'til I can't see anymore.

A Morning Suprise

Check out this slithery little fella...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Saturday Morning

This is what Texas and I did Saturday morning.

Took our horses over to ride with a new cowboy friend. His and Texas' hometowns are from around the same area.

It was a beautiful day for a ride.

High Maintenance

While branding some new heifers this morning, I noticed someone was a little cold.

He's such a princess.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

In The Mist

Tractor drivin', haulin' manure, before sunrise.

Love. It.

P.S. That mist is not actually mist. It's heat rising off of the cow manure. I thought during my first load out that the manure was on fire! Ha, amateur.


Checkin' on the new beef girls.

We took extra care to check on a certain five girls... with purple tags... that belong to somebody holding the camera.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The First Frost

Yesterday morning, when I peered out the window, I noticed a white dusting on our grass.

If I had been in any of the other three states I've resided in, Colorado, Texas or Washington, I would've guessed it was snow.

Nope. It never snows in the California Central Valley. When it does "snow", it's more like a dose of really big hail that sticks around for awhile... and all two times it has supposedly "snowed" in Oakdale the last 18 years, both times I was in the movie theatre.


Back to my frost story -

Yesterday I woke up to the first frost of the fall/winter. Good for me, kind of, because I have been looking forward to the cold since about May. Bad for me, mostly, because my horses are now in need of supplemental feed for the winter because their grass is now dying.

The horses were feeling good yesterday morning. They must have felt the chill in the air...

Notice how the red horse is the instigator?? Little baby Jade....

Monday, November 7, 2011


My love for this girl?

Indescribable. She's an amazing horse under saddle. Plus, who can't love a face like this?

The Best

The best part about going to cattle auctions??

Besides buying and selling cows, and doing business...

The friggin' amazing food at the stockyard cafes.

This is a portuguese linguicia breakfast burrito.


Texas Horse Whisperer

Can't decide if I'm happy or jealous.


You gonna eat all that?

Where's Stoney?

Can you see my dog?

My Office

Just chillin' in my office.

No big deal.


The Invisible Lady

Hey strangers!

I bet ya'll been thinking I'm like the invisible lady!

I've been incredibly busy with work and life the last week or two.

Where has the invisible lady disappeared to? You ask.

Tractor drivin'.

Trying to keep my horse in shape. Actually, just trying to keep her from becoming a rollie pollie.

Hanging out with the fam for some quality bonding time.

And, more tractor driving.

Also, I've been playing head boss ranch lady since mine is taking a much needed break.